[Salon] "plus new weapons proposed by Trump."

From the same issue of Strategic Studies Quarterly ♦ Summer 2018, giving the lie to “non-interventionist conservative’s” fallacious claims that Trump ever intended to “end the endless wars,” and to the opposite lies as well from the "Never Trumpers” that Trump was “weakening” NATO and U.S. National Security. 

I used to read this publication regularly in my past, having been introduced to it in the 1980s by the Air Force Colonels I associated with on issues of Low-Intensity Conflict. One of whom, COL David Dean, had been Gingrich’s Military Advisor in the early 1980s. The other, COL Lee Dixon, was Deputy Director of the Army-Air Force Center for Low-Intensity Conflict, which I made some contributions to.

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BLUF: "Seventh, the nuclear modernization plan to support the Trump policy review accepts the Obama modernization plan committing an estimated $1.2 trillion over 30 years, plus new weapons proposed by Trump.8"

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